Risk management expertise is increasingly sought-after in this post credit crunch period as financial organisations address either new regulations or reviews of risk management standards such as Solvency II and Basel ll and the pending IRFS17 requirements.
Having recently researched this growing sector, Emerald has gained significant insight into the skills that will be most in demand and are able to provide coverage of market, credit, operational risk professionals within Financial Services.
Compliance is also facing new challenges with teams expected to become more robust and play a more active role within the organisation. Emerald is able to source the relevant skills required by each individual firm from legislative translation to monitoring to regulatory risk advisory.
The Emerald Group’s Risk & Compliance division has a long standing international reputation within the Insurance sector and we therefore have a strong understanding of the current needs of a breadth of organisations. Working across the market with insurers, consultancies and brokers we have provided a broad range of Risk & Compliance candidates to many London market firms.
We work closely with the actuarial team and as such our brand has become synonymous with delivery. Our consultants are specialists in this field and with the ability to source from across our Global network of offices we have built up a solid foundation of contacts to attract top talent, irrelevant of their location in the world.
With the ability to offer permanent, Fixed Term and Interim solutions our Risk & Compliance team work closely with your business as a one-stop-shop. With the rise of importance in Risk & Compliance within all financial services our Interim offering has significantly grown year on year and our interim consultants are able to provide advice to clients on market rates, availability of candidates and contractual advice, along with referencing and back office support. We also give best advice to candidates and manage their expectations on delivery, commitment and quality of work required from our clients. By tailoring our service to your needs we can ensure that you are never without support from either a permanent or interim perspective.